Phone: 254-547-3440
Tiffany Peoples
Hettie Halstead Elementary School Guidance & Counseling Program
The Hettie Halstead Elementary Guidance & Counseling program helps students become better learners by providing a program that addresses the social and emotional needs of students as part of the overall school goal of academic success.
We Believe.....
Children have dignity, worth, and value as human beings.
Children learn best when they feel good about themselves and their relationships with others.
Children who understand their feelings are better able to control their behavior.
Children are capable of making responsible choices.
Children form attitudes during elementary school that shape future attitudes towards learning, self, and society.
Schools, parents, and communities that communicate and collaborate provide the most effective support to children.
The goal is to help students be successful both academically and socially. Guidance and social skills lessons are provided in the classroom using the CCISD recognized character and social skills education programs Character Counts and Second Step curriculum. These lessons emphasize the six pillars of character: Respect, Responsibility, Caring, Fairness, Trustworthiness, and Citizenship. Counseling can also take place with students in Small groups and on an individual basis. I am available to talk to parents and welcome you to visit, call or e-mail me with your concerns.